Families of Test Driven Development

So I’ve been looking in at Test Driven Development more lately, and I’m trying to separate the several things that call themselves TDD. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Classic TDD: as described in Kent Beck’s Test Driven Development by Example, this technique tests and writes code a a very low level. No line of code is written without a failing test. Design comes from refactoring to remove duplication.

Mock Objects: Steve Freeman and co. promote this version of TDD. Its distinguishing feature is a requirement for near-complete isolation of objects under test. Design happens during the writing of the test when new collaborators are discovered.

The Un-named TDD: Maybe we should call it “Test-First”. Medium size tests are written, often close to the level of a use case or scenario. Corner cases are usually not tested. (Disk is full, so you can’t write the file, etc…) Just enough testing is done to verify that the system works. Design is done via refactoring, but the decision of how to refactor is based on the developers taste, not just on removing duplication.

The Un-named TDD (with Mocks): Some people combine the convenient mock generation frameworks of Mock Objects with the unnamed TDD. However, they use them for conveniently removing parts of the app that are annoying to configure, not for isolating the system under test.

Presenter First: Maybe just a sub-species of Mock Objects, this strategy is notable for recommending that the application be built outside-in.

Behavior Driven Development: I know this is related, but I don’t know enough about it to say anything.

I used to do the unnamed TDD, and have only recently discovered that I wasn’t doing Classic TDD. I’ve been trying out Classic TDD, and it’s very intriguing. I learned TDD from a combination of Wiki, XP Explained, Refactoring, and XP Installed. (Sort of.) I wonder if those older sources don’t contain as good a description of it as the TDD book, or if I just missed it.

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