Archive for the ‘Bacon’ Category


Friday, May 23rd, 2008

I know I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve transfered departments at work and getting my feet back under me has taken up a bunch of my free-ish time.

I promise real posts soon. In the mean time, amuse yourself with LOLCODE — the programming language of the future.

Bacon Driven Coding — But Seriously

Friday, April 4th, 2008

OK, so bacon driven coding isn’t real. (What, you couldn’t tell?)

Some time last year, Matt and I were having a conversation about how to do development, and it was noted that the word “driven” had become quite popular in the software development world:

  • Test Driven Development,
  • Responsibility Driven Design,
  • Behavior Driven Development,
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Context Driven Testing

The list was notable. A Comment was made that you could sell anything as long as it was structured as “X Driven Y”. A quick search was made for the most ridiculous X and Y, and bacon driven coding was the result.

In a fit of giggles, I registered the domain name, and the rest is history.

Bacon Driven Coding FAQ

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Q: Should I eat all my bacon at once, or should I space it out during the day?
A: Different programmers have different reactions; Some people require quite a lot of bacon to get the initial bacon rush, but once they get it, it lasts all day. Others get a short rush from a few bites of bacon. Experiment to see what works best for you.

Q: I’m a vegetarian. Can I use vegetarian bacon?
A: No. Bacon driven coding only works on real bacon. It’s not called tofu driven coding.

Q: What about sausage?
A: Some people are experimenting with sausage to see if they can produce similar results. If you have any success with this, let us know.

Q: Don’t the two answers above kind of contradict eachother?
A: Yes.

Q: Can you use bacon driven coding in a non-object oriented framework?
A: Yes! Unlike so many competing methodologies, which only work with a single software development paradigm, bacon driven coding can be used with any kind of technology: From ajax javascript to mainframe cobol and even assembly language, bacon driven coding will help any technology.

Q: Can I use bacon driven coding with legacy code?
A: Yes! Unlike other strategies, you can gain the benefits of bacon driven coding on your existing code base. No more clunky test retrofits and refactoring, or building UML Models to match the existing system — Just add bacon and go.

Q: What about the health risks?
A: Eating large quantities of bacon can pose health risks. Weight gain is the most likely, but other problems have been reported. Overall, however, we believe that the stress reduction gained by all the time saved through bacon driven coding should mitigate the risk for most people. After all, when you finish a week’s worth of work on Monday afternoon, you have lots of time left in the week to spend exercising to reduce your health risks.

Q: Does bacon driven coding work well with pancake driven design, orange juice driven requirements, or toast driven testing?
A: Some practitioners have reported success with this combination, leading them to laud the virtues of a whole-lifecycle process of “breakfast-driven development”. While we are excited about the possibilities of this development, we don’t want to overpromise, so we stick to the reliable formula that so many have had success with: bacon leads to better code.

Bacon Driven Coding

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Bacon driven coding is a software development technique where source code is written based on the burst of skill and productivity that a programmer gets when under the influence of bacon.

To practice bacon driven coding, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Eat bacon
  2. Write code
  3. Repeat

We call this the bacon-code-repeat cycle.

Please see the bacon driven coding FAQ for more information.